Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What are your first impressions of the material we have been reading about and seeing? Do you think it will change the way you view ideas about authority and conformity?

Well, it makes me think about my own behavior. Actually, I went to my own back experiences looking for how have been my reactions to similar situations. Generally, when I disagree with a suggestion or I don't feel sure about something I am asking to do, I don't use to obey.

After I saw the videos I realized that in many opportunities people including me use to do things just following the other ones behavior. But, now I can say throughout the years I have changed the way I let people to influence my behavior or opinions. So, if a command compromises my principles or I feel it is wrong I don't use to obey.


Karen said...

Hi laura how are you!?.. I'm completely agree with you. Do things following the other ones behavior. But, now you can say through the years you have changed the way, you can't let people to influence in your ideas. ..so keep going!

carol&KE said...

Hi,laura. We may sometimes find it has difficult to insist on ourselves, we have no choice to do something. But change the way of thinking and do the things which are not against our principle are quite important for us. So just try our best. Keep on!

Jess said...

Hi Laura,

I'm glad that the material has caused you to reflect on past behavior (and that generally you've come out well in such considerations). What do you think changed through the years to make you more independent?

laura said...
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laura said...

It is supossed that through the years people acquire maturity. I think maturity and behavior are pretty attached. Generally- no always- when people grow up they adquire a certain responsibility level. So, when people are responsible for their own actions, they think very well the things they are going to do. When adult people disagree with a request, they are more comfortable making their own decision instead of just following orders or suggestions. It does not mean that adult people do not obey, it just means that most of time adult people think very well before following a request.